A cosmetic procedure, even one conducted on an outpatient basis, should be taken as seriously as any other type of medical care. In order to see that any cosmetic procedures you might undergo will have the best chance to turn out well, it's a good idea to prepare in the time leading up to your appointment.
Have a Detailed Medical History Ready
Presenting your doctor with a detailed medical history will reduce the odds that an undiscovered complication may happen. Do not assume that all records have been transferred to and read by the practitioner who will perform the procedure. If they are major concerns, such as a disease you have, always make a point to overtly state this during your initial consultation. You'll be better off hearing some confirmation from the doctor that they've read it in your file than taking the risk they missed something or that a file never made it to them.
Be Clear About Your Goals
Stating your goals for the surgery will ensure that you and your doctor will be on the same page. It will also allow them to provide an honest determination of whether you are a good candidate for the specific procedure you're seeking. If there is an alternative approach, a clearly stated goal will allow the doctor to give that some consideration, too.
Make a Recovery Kit
When you go home from receiving cosmetic procedures, there's a good chance you'll be a little sore. It's wise to have items like cold compresses and pain relievers ready to go. You should speak to your doctor about what should go in your kit. For example, aspirin might not be ideal if a procedure leads to a recovery period in which thin blood could be problematic.
Have a Friend Agree to Drive You
Even simple outpatient procedures can have complications. For example, some forms of anti-wrinkle procedures around the eye can cause swelling and watering. You don't want to be driving yourself anywhere in that sort of condition. Likewise, some anesthetics may take a while to wear off. It's also good to know that someone will be there when you get home to look after you in case a major complication arises.
Know the Risks
Your doctor is legally required to disclose any known potential issues with your procedure. Learn about these, and keep a list of possible symptoms. If something does happen, you'll then be able to identify concerns in a timely manner.
Share21 May 2019
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