Secrets To Healthy Relationships Start With Individual Therapy


No, it is absolutely true. If you have ever wondered why all of your past relationships were less than pleasant or "perfect," it does start with you. There are reasons why you are attracting the wrong people, and you may not even be aware of it. If you want the very best long-term intimate relationship, it starts by going to individual therapy. Here is what you will learn in individual therapy sessions.

9 December 2018

4 Signs Of Hearing Loss In School-Aged Children

Health & Medical Blog

Hearing is an important part of life. It is necessary for learning and enjoying life. Unfortunately, hearing loss affects people of all ages including babies, children, teens, adults, and senior citizens. While shocking to learn, about 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children are born with some level of hearing loss. As a parent, you will want to know your child is affected by a hearing impairment to determine the options available to them.

25 October 2018

Signs You Might Have A Bladder Infection

Health & Medical Blog

One of the unfortunate realities of being a woman is that you are more prone to bladder infections and other urinary tract infections than your male counterparts. While women are more probe to bladder infections, most do not know the signs and symptoms to watch out for; as such, they inadvertently allow their infection to get quite severe before they get treatment. Get to know some of the most important signs and symptoms of a bladder infection, and go see your gynecologist or other women's health doctor as soon as possible to get diagnosed and treated.

22 September 2018

4 Tips For Reducing Your Allergy Symptoms

Health & Medical Blog

One of the things you may suffer with is allergies. Dealing with this medical condition can make you feel less than your best each day, and knowing a way to help decrease your symptoms is ideal. Taking the time to be proactive and doing the right things to allow you to breathe better may be helpful. Tip #1: Visit a specialist Of course, the first thing you'll want to do if you have moderate to severe allergies is to see a specialist in your area with an organization like The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC.

31 July 2018

4 Signs You're Dealing With Spinal Compression Fractures

Health & Medical Blog

After you go through menopause, your bones tend to weaken. Many women are diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become overly brittle and prone to fracture. And even if you have never been officially diagnosed with this condition, you are at an increased risk for a very specific type of fracture: spinal compression fractures. These tiny fractures happen in the vertebrae that form your spinal column as a result of your weight bearing down on increasingly fragile bones.

23 June 2018

Learning To Live With An Ostomy - Odor Control

Health & Medical Blog

If you've recently had an ostomy, whether a temporary or permanent one, you may still be adjusting to the daily (and sometimes hourly) routine of cleaning and changing your pouch. Performing this ritual in the privacy of your own home's bathroom can be one thing, but when you need to empty your pouch while out and about, you may find yourself embarrassed by the odors it produces. Fortunately, there is a wide range of products you can use to get this odor under control and reduce the stress associated with your ostomy.

4 May 2018

Can A Surgical Procedure Cure Your Child's Speech Impediment?

Health & Medical Blog

If you or your child have struggled with a speech impediment that sometimes makes it tough for others to understand what you're saying, you may be wondering whether your only option is weeks, months, or even years of speech therapy. While this therapy can often be effective, it requires a tremendous commitment of time and effort that, for children, may interfere with other schoolwork, and for adults, can seriously cut into working time.

3 April 2018

Some Important Things To Know About Allergies

Health & Medical Blog

Allergy treatment is incredibly important. If you have allergies, and don't know it, it can negatively affect your quality of life. Luckily, there are things that you can do to make your life easier. Here are some things that you should know. What Are The Symptoms Of Allergies? One of the first things you need to be able to recognize is what allergies look like. There are too many people who think that if they are not going into full anaphylaxis then they don't have allergies.

6 March 2018

3 Treatment Strategies For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Health & Medical Blog

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of several forms of blood cancers that starts in the bone marrow. Unlike acute forms of leukemia, chronic variations may go undetected for years before they cause symptoms. If you are diagnosed with CLL, there are several treatments available to manage the disease. Watch And Wait The idea of watching a form of cancer may seem odd, but in some cases of CLL, there is little reason to proceed with treatment.

23 January 2018