Everything You Need To Know About Plantar Fasciitis

Health & Medical Blog

Plantar fasciitis is the name of a foot condition that is one of the most likely origins of pain in the bottom of your foot and your heel. Plantar fascia is the name of the ligament that connects your toes to your heel. When you strain this strip of tissues, it can get weak, irritated, and swollen. If the bottom of your foot or your heel aches when you stand or walk, it is a good idea to talk to a podiatrist (foot doctor) about the chances of you having plantar fasciitis.

Who Can Get Plantar Fasciitis?

This is a condition that more commonly affects individuals who are middle-aged. However, it can also impact younger individuals who spend a lot of time standing up or walking. An example of this would be soldiers, athletes, or people with full-time jobs.

What Causes It?

Unfortunately, the cause of this foot condition is not something medical experts completely understand. Many believe the strain to the plantar fascia causes small tears to form in the ligament which leads to the pain and inflammation.

Your plantar fascia is supposed to stretch every time you take a step. If you have strained your foot because of how you walk or because you have suffered from several foot injuries, your ligament can become weak and cause pain. This can make it hurt to stand or to walk around.

Some conditions and activities that can increase the chances of you suffering from this condition include:

  • The way your foot works when you walk is not something you can always control. This is why some children are prescribed ankle braces at a young age to help their foot step and grow the right way. If your foot twists or rolls inward when you walk, you are at a high risk of having this condition. The same is true if you have flat feet or high arches.
  • This condition is extremely common in people who are overweight. This is due to nothing more than the stress that the extra weight puts on your feet.
  • Wearing shoes that are not supportive or worn out can also cause this condition.

Do You Need Surgery?

Statistics show that only 5 out of every 100 people who suffer from this condition end up needing surgery to get it fixed. A surgery would only be suggested by your podiatrist after other treatment methods have failed. The main types of surgery for this condition include releasing the tension in your plantar fascia by making a small incision in it and removing heel spurs.

Initially, your doctor is going to ask you to rest your foot as much as possible. Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed and you will want to put ice on your foot. Simple exercises and foot stretches can help strengthen the ligament and supportive shoes and limit the pain.

In general, treatment tends to be more successful when it is started as soon as a patient realizes he or she has plantar fasciitis. This is not a condition you want to put off talking to your doctor about. 


15 January 2015

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