3 Steps Women With Urination Incontinence Problems Should Take

Health & Medical Blog

Urination incontinence problems can be embarrassing, messy, and difficult to cope with. If you or another woman in your life are having this problem, this guide may be able to shed some light on the matter. Here are three steps you should follow to improve urination incontinence symptoms.

Do Kegel Exercises  

Kegel exercises are great for women to perform for their overall bladder and vaginal health, but they're particularly useful if you're having trouble holding your bladder. The easiest way to explain kegel exercises is that you're purposefully working the muscles that you engage when you try to hold your bladder. Over time, these exercises strengthen the muscles involved in holding your bladder, just like exercise works with any other muscle. 

It's easy to perform a kegel exercise: just squeeze the muscle you normally would to hold your bladder, then release after a few seconds. It's suggested that you do sets of ten contractions, three or four times a day for best results. If you're worried about potentially having an accident while performing this exercise, feel free to do it while you're using the toilet.

Always Go When You Need To Go

It may seem like you always need to use the bathroom, but if you get the urge to urinate, don't put it off. Holding your bladder for too long can actually cause lasting damage to the bladder, which will ultimately make you need to go to the bathroom more. It can also increase the difficulty of holding your bladder when you need to, even if your bladder isn't full.

The problem with holding your bladder instead of urinating is that the bladder may become stretched. Over time, stretched bladders can cause you to not be able to fully relieve yourself, or it may cause accidental leakage. While it can take years for this kind of damage to occur, there's no better time to avoid it than now.

See a Doctor

Unfortunately, not all urination incontinence problems are caused by weak muscles or stretched bladders. If you're having this problem, start doing the first two steps and consider making an appointment with a urologist, like Dr. Matthew Bui, for further information. 

Other potential causes of incontinence include urinary tract infections, uterine prolapse, and even uterine fibroids. While none of these conditions are life-threatening, they can have serious consequences if left untreated. For example, fibroids are benign, tumor-like growths that can appear in a woman's uterus. These growths can become massive and heavy, and press on the surrounding organs, including the bladder. While kegel exercises and using the bathroom can help with the outward symptoms, large fibroids can actually take up space your bladder needs, preventing it from expanding fully. As a result, you need to urinate more often, even if you're not producing much urine.

Incontinence isn't something you have to live with, and it isn't something that should be ignored. By trying these steps and seeing a doctor, you can improve your incontinence symptoms and learn whether something more serious is causing the problem.


31 July 2015

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