Planning Ahead For Your Next Natural Disaster

Health & Medical Blog

Where natural disasters are concerned, planning for the eventuality is important because it's only a matter of time until the next event. On the other hand, it could be years before that time runs out and you're actually faced with an emergency, so it's important that any preparations you do make will be just as useful in a day as they will be in a decade. Being prepared for a natural disaster doesn't necessarily mean stockpiling resources and disaster survival kits and staying put though, so make sure you're also addressing the likelihood of being evacuated.

Planning for the March of Time

It's all well and good to say that your disaster plan is future-proof, but few things stand the test of time. Make sure your preparations are getting checked out on an annual basis to ensure that expiration dates haven't passed, sealed packages haven't been compromised, and any equipment is still in good shape. Test electronics, such as a standby cell phone, flashlight or radio, to make sure their components are still functional, and avoid keeping their batteries installed.

Make use of rigid containers, such as those you might use to store leftovers in the refrigerator, as a first line of defense against moisture. Nest heavy freezer bags inside these hard containers to ensure moisture-sensitive items are doubly protected. Keep individual containers on the small side, so if you do have to leave your home they can be quickly packed and carried out as you evacuate.

Don't Hesitate When it's Time to Leave

If you plan and store things properly you'll have few obstacles to overcome when the time comes to evacuate. Make sure you've stored important documents alongside other disaster preparation gear, including birth certificates, insurance documents, deeds, titles, and anything else you or your family might need in order to get back to life as normal. All documents should also be stored in heavy duty, water tight, containers.

If it looks bad, err on the side of caution and leave early rather than waiting to see whether or not the situation deteriorates. Whether it's wildfires, floods or severe storms, evacuating before the initial flood of people will help you avoid the worst of the damage, and the beginning of the health effects. Remember, you can always come home and begin rebuilding once the danger has passed, but you may have a limited window of time during which to safely leave the area.

Disaster preparedness means planning for the worst possible series of events, and anticipating future needs in the present. Make sure those plans include periodic evaluations of your existing preparations, at least on an annual basis if not more frequently. This will ensure that your plans remain viable, and you're not surprised when something you've stored doesn't work properly.


30 September 2015

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