4 Considerations When Renting A Manual Wheelchair For Short-Term Use

Health & Medical Blog

If you're considering renting a manual wheelchair for temporary use (such as a short-term illness or injury), there are a few aspects to consider. Consider the ability to lift the chair easily into a vehicle for transport, in which case you may need a lightweight model that folds compactly. Wheelchairs with adjustable footrests or elevating leg rests are also available, as are those with desk-length arm rests, enabling you to sit close to a table or desk. You might also consider renting optional accessories for an add-on cost. Here are some good ideas for your rental consideration:

1. Think About Easy Transport for Travel

Manual wheelchairs (also referred to as self-propelled models) are often available in lightweight models, and with the ability to store compactly. If you have difficult lifting, consider a lightweight or ultra lightweight model, which weighs less than the typical wheelchair weight of about 38-50 pounds. In addition, most modern wheelchairs have a folding mechanism, allowing for a compact storage in a car trunk or closet.

2. Consider Footrest and Leg Rest Options

Just as every individual differs, wheelchair footrests are not necessarily made to be "one size fits all." Look for footrests that can be easily adjusted, making the footrest tube longer or shorter as needed. Taller individuals may lengthen the footrest simply by moving a spring-loaded button up or down into the desired positioning hole. This will offer more leg room. In addition, swing-away footrests are a convenient feature, as they easily swing to the side for ease in exiting the chair.

If you need to elevate a broken leg or swollen ankle, consider renting a wheelchair with elevating leg rests. It's also a good choice for those with edema (swelling) of the leg. This option typically has padded calf pads for comfort and elevate to various levels or may place your leg in an extended position.

3. Don't Forget Your Armrest Needs

Rental manual wheelchairs may be available with full-length or desk-length arms. While the full-length option offers more room for resting the entire length of your arms, it may not be practical if you plan on using the wheelchair for computer work or for sitting at a table. Conversely, desk-length arms are a few inches shorter, making it easy to wheel up to your desk or table. Either way, adjustable height arm rests are beneficial, as you can raise or lower them for an ergonomically good fit.

4. Choose Your Add-on Accessories

Finally, ask about accessories that may be included for an additional rental fee. These may include a safety seat belt, wheelchair gel or foam cushion, oxygen tank holder or cane holder attachment.

For more information, contact Wishing Well Medical Supply or a similar company.


11 August 2016

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