Why Should You Schedule A Doctor's Office Visit?

Health & Medical Blog

Should you stay home—or should you go? Whether you're sick or feel fine, take a look at the reasons to make an appointment at a doctors office right now.

You Can't Remember the Last Time You Had an Appointment

Annual well visits don't stop when you leave your childhood pediatrician's practice. Checkups are important for everyone—at any age. Preventative medical services can help to detect problems before they go from minor to major issues.

If you're a new patient at a medical practice, the doctor will take a full health history to establish your risk level. This history includes a family history of some types of cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, diabetes, or other chronic conditions. The checkup allows the doctor to look for the start of these (or other) potential problems or order diagnostic tests.

You Don't Know What Tests You Need

Preventative screenings grow in importance as you age. Some tests are done earlier based on risk factors, while others are ordered on a routine basis at specific ages. According to the American Cancer Society, routine colorectal cancer screenings should start at age 45. Other preventative screenings you may need (depending on your age, sex, medical history, and other health-related factors) include a mammogram, cholesterol blood test, testicular exam, prostate screening, bone density test, and skin/mole check.

Even though your primary care physician (PCP) may not have the equipment or specialized knowledge to provide you with every screening necessary, they can recommend specific tests, write prescriptions, and refer you to the right provider for your needs. The office visit provides you with a jumping-off point to start the screening process and keep your health on track.

You Feel Sick

This may seem like the most obvious reason for a doctor's office visit. But an ache, pain, sore throat, fever, or another symptom won't send every adult to their medical provider. Some illnesses, such as the common cold, don't always require a doctor's treatment. This doesn't mean you should self-diagnose a potential illness. If you're unsure or have concerns, always consult a medical provider. The internet or a friend's advice are not acceptable substitutes for a professional's medical opinion.

While you don't have to schedule an appointment for every seemingly minor issue, a call to the doctor can help to rule out something more serious. The doctor can examine you, ask about symptoms, and order tests to diagnose potentially contagious illnesses. Not only can this help you to heal sooner, but it can also stop the spread of disease.  


24 June 2021

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