Avoiding Complications From RSV In Your Child

Health & Medical Blog

If your child has been recently diagnosed with RSV from his pediatrician, making sure to avoid any health complications is vital. RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a virus that affects the respiratory system. It is highly contagious and often spreads around daycares and sometimes schools. It is most common in children aged two and under but can sometimes affect older children, especially those with an impaired immune system. If your child has RSV, it's important to watch out for severe symptoms that could impact their health greatly.

7 February 2017

4 Ways Your Feces Are Trying To Tell You Something

Health & Medical Blog

You might not realize it now, but your poop could be trying to tell you something. How often do you take a look at the content of the toilet before you flush? If the answer is "never," you might be doing your body a grave disservice. Next time you hit the loo, take a peek. What you see looking back at you could be a sign that something is wrong. Here are a few warning signs:

6 February 2017

5 Tips for Communicating With an Alzheimer's Patient


Communicating with a person with Alzheimer's disease can be frustrating at times. You may feel awkward and wonder if that person even understands what you are trying to say to him or her. However, if you stay patient and change the way you interact with the person, you can communicate more effectively. Here are five helpful tips for communicating with an Alzheimer's patient: Keep It Simple When talking to an Alzheimer's patient, it is important to keep sentences and phrases as simple as possible.

26 January 2017