3 Reasons To Stay On Top Of Your Well Child Check Up

Health & Medical Blog

A well child check up is a very important part of keeping your child healthy. Your child has many appointments throughout their life where they will simply see a doctor to ensure that everything is working properly. Here are a couple things you need to know about a well-child check up. 1. Immunizations One of the most important parts of the well child check up is to administer immunizations to the child.

1 April 2015

Blocked Tear Ducts: The Cause & How A Specialist Can Treat The Condition

Health & Medical Blog

Do you deal with your eyes tearing up on a regular basis? The problem may stem from you having a blocked tear duct, but a specialist can treat it with a procedure known as stenting. Here is why blocked tear ducts can cause your eyes to water up and how eye stenting can help. How Can Blocked Tear Ducts Cause Watery Eyes? To understand how eyes become watery, you must first understand how your tear system works.

23 March 2015

Massage Therapy 101: Apprehensions And Concerns For The First-Timer

Health & Medical Blog

If you've been feeling stressed out lately, a great way to release some of the tension is with a massage. However, if you are new to massage therapy, you may have some apprehensions and concerns. Here are three concerns many newbies have when it comes to massage, and how to handle them: 1. I don't feel comfortable with the masseuse seeing my body, what can I do? A spa or massage practice will never require you to get a massage unclothed.

5 March 2015

Pregnancy Is Possible During Menopause

Health & Medical Blog

Although many women think they can't get pregnant during menopause, there's the chance you can. How long menopause lasts differs from woman to woman, but the process is gradual and can take years to complete. Even if waning symptoms lead you to believe you're through menopause, you still may be able to get pregnant. The Role Hormones Play Your monthly menstrual cycles may have stopped, but the hormones responsible for ovulation and pregnancy sometimes spike when you're going through the change.

25 February 2015

Young Women And Heart Attacks: What You Don't Know Could Kill You

Health & Medical Blog

If you're a young woman, you may think heart attacks are something you don't need to think about until you hit middle age or older. However, young women do have heart attacks. Learning some basic facts about young women and heart attacks could save your life: The truth Statistics show that heart disease kills more women than anything else. Younger women are often hesitant to seek medical attention when they experience symptoms of a heart attack.

17 February 2015

You Really Do Need To Destroy Unused Medications

Health & Medical Blog

If you're cleaning out your home or have to clean out someone else's home, such as that of a deceased relative, you're bound to find prescription medications that are no longer needed. You know you're not supposed to just toss them in the trash, but maybe you're thinking that putting a small amount in the trash without taking additional steps to ruin the medication won't hurt. Well, it actually can hurt, and you do have to take the time to make the medicines non-usable.

17 February 2015

Funeral Pre-Planning When You Choose Cremation


When you've chosen to be cremated, you'll need to adjust your funeral plans. While you won't be buried in a casket, there are some other creative ways to dispose of the cremains. Here are some points to consider when including a cremation in your funeral plans. Do You Want A Viewing? You can still choose to have a viewing before the cremation occurs. Some facilities have special coffins available for this purpose.

10 February 2015

3 Ways To Protect Your Delicate Eyelids From The Sun


If you are concerned about protecting your skin from the sun (and everyone should be), then you likely make sure you wear sunscreen on your face daily. Do you apply it to your eyelids? Many people don't, because typical sunscreens can sting your eyes. Eyelids are highly susceptible to skin cancer. Try one of the following ways of protecting your eyelids from the sun when you cannot wear typical sunscreen on them.

5 February 2015

Start Using Assisted Living Services Sooner Rather Than Later


Nowadays, most people hire assisted living facilities only when an urgent need arises. For example if it's becoming complicated for you to provide your senior relative with the same level of care as before. Usually your next move will be to start searching a local retirement community that can serve your relative's care needs. While these services are literally accessible at anytime, it's important that you determine how to use them efficiently.

3 February 2015

Four Misconceptions That May Keep You From Seeking Hospice Care


Having a loved one that is sick can take a toll on your emotions and your physical well-being. You don't want to admit they are sick, and especially when they are so sick that hospice family care becomes an option. For many people, hospice care misconceptions keep them from moving forward with this care option. Here are four misconceptions or myths you may have heard and the truth about each misconception.

29 January 2015